RAYC February Update - St Barbara V Hull Replacement Strategy
Published 10:37am on 4 Feb 2021
The hull replacement team met on the 2nd February to further discuss the courses of action for the type of vessel St Barbara VI could be and what our ambition is for activity aboard her. Next timelines:
Fri 12 Feb: Options refinement complete to first iteration. Passed to Red Team for scrutiny along with initial financial assumptions.
Fri 26 Feb: Red Team comments/feedback complete.
Fri 26 Feb - Fri 12 Mar: Second refine period. Project Team then presents each type option with Advantages and Disadvantages to the membership at the AGM on Fri 12 Mar. We will circulate the options in advance, and at the AGM each member of the Project Team will enhance an option with a short brief.
Thereafter we will welcome comments from the membership via an online forum hosted on the RAYC website; please it until then to properly register your input under Forums - St Barbara V Hull Replacement Strategy (opening shortly after 4th February). We will then take a further period of consultation before making a recommendation to the Exec Cttee no later than 1 May 2021. Along the way we are engaging external actors (e.g.the ASA, and brokers various) in our decision making process in order to keep our thinking broad.
I look forward to updating you at the AGM.
As ever,